Hello World

  1. Open Notepad (start button-accessories-Notepad).
  2. Create a programme in Notepad, e.g. <html> <body> <h1> Hello World</h1> </body> </html>
  3. Save the file as index.html as “all files” type and double click on web page.
  4. Go to DSWGM Web Development page and press pink Publish to the Internet button which opens Bitballoon.com.
  5. At the bottom of Bitballoon.com where it says “Drag your site” drag your file index.html from Documents folder.
  6. Press “Create a site” from DSWGM web site. You put your file into the server with a temporary (24 hours) address it generated.
  7. Via http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp with style.css you can create styles for your web site